Many thanks for all the enjoyment you brought to the world.
Grandad will be missed. Love you loads xxx
Great Race, you completed the course:- Husband, dad, grandad & great grandad. Sorry it was such a rough ride in the final furlong but you are at peace now. Miss you so much. All our love. XX
Great memories as a child of visiting Eric and Lilian at Cranford Road and enjoying the hospitality and views from the back garden (we had nothing like that in north London?). Alongside this - a great welcome and always made to feel ‘at home’ and ‘at ease’. The car ride from Tonbridge station to the bungalow in the Rover always thrilled me as a transport-loving little boy! You were always made to feel special when visiting and that is what stays with me now, five decades later. Thank you for that feeling and your friendship to my mum over all those years - I know she valued it - even if she couldn’t be persuaded to move to Tonbridge!
Eric A kind man remembered with fondness
Many happy memories. Always a gracious and fun host
So sorry to hear the news about Eric - we were neighbours although we had only recently moved next door. Very sorry for Lilian and the rest of the family at this time.
Thanking you for the fun times and holidays especially Isle of White and Blackpool! The wake up morning coffees and biscuits 🙂 Memories hold a special place in my heart and remain forever xxx